Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well, it's been a while since I've posted. By the live traffic feed, it didn't appear that very many people were checking the blog, so I wasn't sure it was worth the time. However, before Christmas, a couple people had asked, and said they had tried to get to it, but were unable to access it. Anyway, if you are reading, would you mind letting me know either by leaving a comment, or through email at . I am happy to do it, I just don't want to stress out about it if I'm the only one checking it. With that being said, we do have a few things coming up. One is the chess tournament which will be January 31st. I would love to have all the student participate. More information will be sent home regarding this very soon. A few of you have also asked about the upcoming project. PLEASE DO NOT FRET ABOUT THIS! There will be a project, but it won't be overwhelming, and I assure you that I will send home all the information with a very detailed description and allow plenty of time for it to be completed. I will also send the info via email, so you will for sure know what is expected. I hope you all had a fabulous holiday, and are looking forward to getting back into a regular routine. I know I am!

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